Alfred Alfer Wiki

Rise of Alfred is an Emily Youcis animation uploaded to Newgrounds on the 21st of June, 2007.


Rise of Alfred begins with Alfred zoning out as his boss speaks to him. His boss tells him that he has been promoted to manager, to which Alfred begins to zone out again, his fragile mind confusing the terms "manager" and "dictator". He's reminded of his past, where he was abandoned by his parents, and his other pathetic attempts at trying to at least feel some form of love, such as observing a couple having sex through their window or having sex with a watermelon at the market. Alfred assumes that with his new position, he will be loved unconditionally and mindlessly worshipped by his employees, and gets incredibly excited.

He excitedly introduces himself to his new underlings, immediately demanding that they love him and refer to him as "Dictator Alfred", and that they learn a new song all about how superior, cool and perfect Alfred is, which he begins to play on his karaoke machine, revealing all his insecurities, and also revealing that Alfred's intentions with his employees are of a somewhat sexual nature, as well as a violent one. Alfred slurs and yells and dances to the lyrics, eventually devolving into screaming the word "me" over and over.

The scene abruptly cuts to Alfred's office, where he talks to himself and his "advisor" about his preference of burritos over burgers, which is the first appearance of Dictator Pickles. He then asks one of his employees to bring him 200 hamburgers and destroys them in a manic frenzy, while also shooting a Ronald McDonald statue outside of a McDonald's. During this montage, the ghost of Hitler is shown condoning Alfred's actions and masturbating while he sets bagels on fire.

Afterwards, in a brief sequence, Alfred is shown putting up food posters around Burritobell after-hours, but then he decides to replace them with propaganda posters making Alfred out to be the source of all good in the universe.

The next day, Alfred is in his office, curled up in the corner, repeating the phrase "I am loved" to himself, when Dictator Pickles begins to talk to him once more, angrily telling Alfred that the employees are conspiring against him and planning to kill him. Alfred argues with his alter ego, along with the spirit of Hitler and Stalin for a few minutes, stressing that he doesn't want to kill his employees because "they can't love him if they're dead". Eventually, an employee who is oblivious to Alfred's current breakdown enters the room and begins asking him about work. This, coupled with Pickles, Hitler and Stalin egging him on and the employee's ringtone, eventually causes Alfred to snap and murder the dog who was speaking to him, shoving a squeeze-bottle of white liquid (perhaps mayonnaise or glue) through the bottom of his jaw and through his eye.

The final scene shows Alfred sitting in the bloodied and mangled remains of the rest of Burritobell's workers, crying. He laments that there's nobody left to love him, but almost immediately finds euphoric solace and power in the fact that nobody's left but him. The short ends with Alfred happily dancing with Stalin and Hitler.
