Emily Youcis is the creator of the Alfred Alfer animations. Obviously you're not here to learn about any of that, you're just here to look at her stupid nazi bullshit. Well, I'm not going into any of that because I'm not properly informed and don't want to spread misinformation, and I'd also rather put my cock in an anthill than sit through a nazi podcast to learn more about her. I only created this wiki because I like Alfred Alfer, and I'm probably the only person on the planet who does.
If someone would like to provide some (real) information regarding the countless controversies surrounding this poor deranged woman, as well as any other information about her life, you have my blessing, and it would be greatly appreciated. If you want what I remember of it, here it is:
Young woman with mental issues most likely stemming from a tragic past of sexually abuse learns to animate and gets popular from her funny animations that may or may not have stemmed from aforementioned abuse, eventually went on 4chan and got brainwashed by a bunch of nazi dickheads, ended up dedicating the rest of her life to worshipping a big racist orange tyrant (who ironically also sexually abused young girls on his buddy Jeff's island, I know that he's disputed that lately but I'm not going to take the word of a convicted felon who's entire thing is lying to get what he wants), ruining it for everyone who still likes her art. Sucks, huh
Again, any help on this wiki would be greatly appreciated. Praise be alfred christ